Health Talk

From Nutrition To Nasal Hygiene And Everything In Between

Nasal rinsing safety tips you need to know

Discover essential nasal rinsing safety tips to relieve sinus and allergy symptoms. Learn the best practices for using safe water, maintaining devices, and avoiding risks.

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Decongestant not working? Here's how to choose the right one.

Not feeling congestion relief from your cold and flu pills? The FDA has announced the decongestant in your favorite oral cold medicine may isn't effective. Here are some alternatives that can provide the nasal decongesting power you need to start breathing better.

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How to relieve ear pain after a sinus rinse

From soothing a dry, irritated nose to cleaning infected sinus tissue, nasal irrigation has many benefits. While some sufferers feel pure relief from flushing a cup of saline solution through their nasal cavity, others experience unexpected symptoms, including pain or pressure in the ears.

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Is mouth breathing bad for you? How to develop healthy breathing habits.

Breathing comes so naturally that we often overlook the adverse symptoms caused by poor breathing technique. It’s vital to understand the benefits of nasal breathing and the health impacts of chronic mouth breathing.

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6 Reasons Your Nose Could Be Blocked: Nasal Congestion Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

There are a number of factors that can lead to a blocked sensation in the nose. From diagnosable illnesses to plain facts of life, we’ve broken down a few of the most common culprits. The next time you find yourself asking “Why is my nose blocked?” consider these possibilities.

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How to Protect Your Sinus Health During Wildfire Season

Wildfire activity in North America has been intensifying in recent years. Understanding the risks surrounding wildfire smoke exposure and measures to prevent adverse health effects is crucial to preserving your respiratory health during and after these events.

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Pollen Season Is Getting Worse: How to Navigate a Longer Allergy Season.

The arrival of spring and summer used to signify the peak of seasonal allergies, but with the changing climate comes a longer, more intense allergy season across the United States. As pollen counts continue to climb nationwide, allergy sufferers need to be prepared with relief solutions.

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Oak Tree Pollen Allergies: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

The sight of flowering oak trees and sticky pollen can be enough to make allergy sufferers want to hide from even the loveliest spring day. Learn how to get ahead of itchy eyes, runny nose, and fatigue, so you can fully enjoy the season.

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Is nasal spray addictive? Types of nasal sprays, uses, side effects, and alternatives

Nasal spray solutions are a powerful way to target nasal and sinus symptoms without delivering medicine to the rest of the body, where it may not be necessary. There are a number of nasal sprays available over-the-counter for mild or acute sinus symptoms, and by prescription for severe or chronic symptoms. These common nasal sprays include: corticosteroids, antihistamines, decongestants, and sodium chloride — better known as saline solution.

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Sinus Headache Relief: 6 Easy Home Remedies

Did you know the vast majority of self-diagnosed "sinus headaches" are actually migraine? Without a diagnosis, using your regular nasal decongestant sprays and nasal steroid sprays may be counterproductive to relieving symptoms. If you're unsure of the root cause, you may want to try some simple pain relieving remedies first.

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What is Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection (RSV)? Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection (RSV) is a highly contagious respiratory virus that affects the nose, throat, and lungs. Restricting close contact with others and maintaining a proper hygiene routine is essential to preventing infection. While common, this respiratory infection can be particularly concerning for infants, older adults, and immunocompromised adults with asthma, heart disease, and COPD.

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Nasal Polyps: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments, and Prevention

What Are Nasal Polyps? Nasal polyps are small “teardrop” shaped growths that can develop in the lining of your sinuses and nasal passages. They are typically painless and benign (not cancerous), but they can become larger or develop in clusters, which can lead to several problems.

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Why Is My Nose So Dry?

What Causes Dry Sinuses? Dry nasal passages are typically caused by a lack of mucus production in the sinuses, which can leave your nose feeling dry and irritated. There are several possible reasons why your sinuses may stop producing mucus. A dry nose can be caused by a variety of conditions. The most common conditions include: a cold, allergic rhinitis (hay fever), blowing your nose too frequently, overuse of antihistamines and decongestants, and changes in the weather.

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What Is Allergic Rhinitis And Why Is It Called Hay Fever?

What Is Allergic Rhinitis? Allergic rhinitis (commonly called hay fever) is typically identified by the swelling of the blood vessels in the sinuses. The condition is caused by a person’s immune system reacting to allergens, such as pollen, animal dander, dust mites and mold. Symptoms commonly associated with allergic rhinitis can include post nasal drip, nasal congestion, and a runny nose.

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How Long Do Sinus Infections Last?

How Long Does A Sinus Infection Last? A sinus infection can last anywhere from 10 days to several weeks. The length of a sinus infection usually depends on whether the cause is viral (i.e. a cold or flu) or bacterial (i.e. Streptococcus pneumonia - “strep throat” or Haemophilus influenzae).

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How To Sleep With Post Nasal Drip?

If you’ve ever been sick with a cold or flu (or if you’re a seasonal allergy sufferer), you know that figuring out how to sleep with post nasal drip can be difficult.However, there are a couple of useful techniques that will help you get a good night’s sleep by relieving your worst post nasal drip symptoms

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Allergies vs COVID: How To Tell The Difference

Although there are some similarities in symptoms, there are also some key indicators that can help determine whether you have COVID or allergies. Nevertheless, if you’re experiencing any COVID related symptoms, including a runny nose, congestion, or a cough, and you think you’ve been exposed to the virus, you should self-isolate and contact a healthcare professional to get tested.

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What Is A NasoNeb Nasal Nebulizer?

Often referred to as albuterol nebulizers, the most common type is the jet nebulizer (sometimes referred to as an atomizer). Another type of nebulizer device, commonly used by sinusitis and allergy sufferers, is the nasal nebulizer. Nasal nebulizers work by turning liquid treatments and medications into tiny droplets that get past the front of the nose and stick to those deep, hard-to-reach areas in the back of the sinuses.

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Sinus Infection Symptoms vs COVID

Does COVID-19 feel like a sinus infection? Sinus infections and COVID-19 share some similar symptoms, which can lead to confusion for those who are trying to determine the root cause of their illness. There are some key differences between the two conditions. For example, the onset of post nasal drip and sinus pain are commonly associated with a sinus infection but not COVID-19.

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Is A Sinus Infection Contagious?

Are sinus infections contagious? No. Sinus infections are not contagious. Sinus infections are sometimes the result of contagious viruses, such as the common cold or influenza. In many cases, people are experiencing common symptoms, including a sinus infection, in response to a viral infection (which is contagious). In other cases, sinus infections are the result of airborne bacteria, fungi, and allergens.

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Can You Get Rid Of A Sinus Infection In 24 Hours? Understanding The Causes And Treating The Symptoms

Can you get rid of sinusitis in 24 hours? The short answer is: No. Getting rid of a sinus infection in 24 hours is probably impossible. But finding relief from the sinus pain and headaches isn't! Sinusitis symptoms are notoriously unbearable and treating a sinus infection can be a frustrating endeavor. However, there are several treatment options available, such as a nasal nebulizer, that can help eliminate mucus build-up and get you breathing better and feeling better in no time.

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How To Get Your Taste and Smell Back After A Sinus Infection

In most cases, the loss of taste is directly related to the loss of smell. Rarely, does someone actually “lose” their sense of taste. Typically, swelling and excessive mucus build-up in the sinuses blocks the nerve endings deep within the nose that are responsible for sensing smells. Because the sense of smell and taste are so closely related, sufferers often report a loss of taste.

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How To Drain Your Sinuses When You Have Nasal Congestion

In order to drain your sinuses, it's important to understand the common causes of nasal congestion and sinus pressure. Nasal congestion, also known as a stuffy nose, is identified by the inflammation and swelling of the tissues and blood vessels inside the nose and surrounding area, which tends to create a “plugged” feeling throughout the sinuses. There are several possible physical and environmental conditions and ailments that can cause a “stuffy” congested nose.

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How To Tell The Difference Between Post Nasal Drip And COVID-19?

If you’re experiencing post nasal drip and are concerned that it might be a symptom of COVID-19, you may find some comfort in knowing that the two are not typically associated. Post nasal drip is often considered a symptom of other illnesses and conditions, such as the...

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What Is Post Nasal Drip?

Post nasal drip is described as the overproduction (and noticeable accumulation) of mucus in the back of the throat and sinuses. Signs and symptoms of post nasal drip can include a frequent urge to swallow or clear one’s throat, a raspy or gurgly voice, an irritated throat, and a persistent cough.

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